Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pumpkin picking at Triple Dog Dare You Farm

Today Tom and the girls and I went pumpkin picking. We had alot of fun. We were the only 4 people on the hayride.(A friend of mine who I went to high school with owns the farm.) The girls got to play on a slide and then we got on the hayride. We then went for the ride and found ourselves among a ton of pumpkins. Trying to figure out witch one to pick was a hard decision. The girls finally made their choices. We rode back to the house and the girls got some apple cider and played for a few more minutes. They also got to take a walk out on Gins dock and look into the water. It was a beautiful day and alot of fun. The weather was warm but it still felt like fall. We had a wonderful day as a family.


Wade said...

It looks like the girls had a blast picking out pumpkins. They are so adorable and growing up so quickly. The first picture of Jadyn I didn't even recognize. They are gorgeous! We love and miss you a ton and can't wait to see u again... hopefully soon!
~Katie, Wade, and Aubrey

Mom said...

These are awesome pics at the pumpkin farm!! I really love the one of Tom and the girls. Love you all. MOM

Laura said...

Woah! Looks like Kaya is getting just as big as Jadyn fast. They're so cute. Love you guys! Laura