Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ok well a lot has happened since the last time I posted anything.A week or so ago Mom and Dad Thornburgh came to visit and with our surprise Aleigha came too. Jadyn and Kaya loved having their cousin here. Jadyn was very happy and spent all the time with Aleigha. Grandma and Grandpa took Jadyn,Kaya and Aleigha too the playground and then we went and had pizza then they took them to Friendlys for ice cream. They left on Friday but before they left we went and got balloons and met Grandma at Jeremys grave. We released balloons,sang I am a Child of God and Grandma placed flowers on the head stone. We then celebrated Jadyns birthday at the cemetary. Aleigha gave Jadyn a coloring book,Aunt Molly gave Jadyn a princess necklace that lights up and Grandma and Grandpa gave Jadyn a barbie. We were sad to see them leave.
On Sat March 27th we went to Johnsons Farm to see the Easter Bunny and egg hunt. We met our friends there Michele,Rick,Ricky,Cheyanne and Olivia. Jadyn and Olivia got very friendly really quick. We took the hayride and went hunting for some eggs. The kids had to find 5 eggs 1 of each color. After they found the eggs they got to trade them in for a treat bag. We then went in and saw the Easter Bunny. It was a lot of fun. Jadyn then was asked to sleep over Olivias house for the night. This was a first for Jadyn I just hope that she is being very good and can deal with no bottle tonight or tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed.
A few other odds and ends that have been going on. Jadyn was able to bring her school mascot home 2xs in 1 month. His name is Owilver. He is a owl and the kids really love to get picked to get him for the night. Jadyn will be turning 4 in a few weeks and man I cant believe how fast time goes. The BIG news is that we are finally moving. We will be moving right across the street into a 2 bedroom house. The kitchen has been ripped out and a new one is going in also the bathroom will be completely redone and new carpets in both bedrooms. Life after 4 years in a 1 bedroom has been tough. I look forward to a bedroom of my own with a door,a bathroom that locks,a kitchen to eat in and a fenced in backyard. Wow it will be great.
Well that about wraps it up. I hope you enjoy the pictures.


Emily said...

Love the post and pictures!! Your girls are beautiful! Aleigha was sooo excited to see the pictures of her and the girls!! She had such a blast visiting you guys! I am glad she was able to go and spend some time with her cousins. We love and miss you guys! So excited for you about moving! Hugs and Kisses.
Love always and forever,
Emily, Chris, Aleigha, and Brenton

Unknown said...

First off, Congratulations!!! It is so exciting that you will be in a bigger place, I'm sure you will love it. Second of all, I love you guys so much, and I love all of you posts and pictures. I really can't wait to see you guys! The girls are growing up so fast, almost too fast. Anyways, I hope you are all doing great! I love you and miss you! Give the girls tons of slobbery wet cobas-soba-lobisis.